ECG Machine Price in Bangladesh

When it comes to finding an ECG machine in Bangladesh, affordability and quality are key considerations. Therefore, healthcare providers and institutions look for reliable ECG machines that deliver accurate results without breaking the bank. Here, we delve into the price range, features, and benefits of ECG machine price in Bangladesh.

Affordable ECG Machines in Bangladesh

Starting Price: ECG machines in Bangladesh typically start from BDT 25,000. Therefore, these entry-level machines are ideal for small clinics and healthcare centers. They offer basic functionalities such as heart rate monitoring and basic waveform analysis.

Mid-Range Options: For those seeking more advanced features, mid-range ECG machines priced between BDT 50,000 to BDT 100,000 are a great choice. Consequently, these machines come with enhanced capabilities, including multi-channel recording, touch screens, and data storage options.

High-End Models: High-end ECG machines, priced above BDT 100,000, provide the most advanced features and highest accuracy. Therefore, these are suitable for large hospitals and specialized cardiac care units. They offer comprehensive diagnostic tools, high-resolution displays, and advanced connectivity options.

Features to Look For

Channels: ECG machines come in different channel configurations, such as 3-channel, 6-channel, and 12-channel. Thus, more channels mean more detailed heart activity monitoring.

Display: A clear, high-resolution display helps in accurately interpreting the ECG results.

Data Storage: Machines with ample data storage capacity allow for better patient record management. Hence, these machines are highly efficient.

Connectivity: Modern ECG machines offer USB, Bluetooth, or Wi-Fi connectivity for easy data transfer and integration with other healthcare systems.

Benefits of Investing in a Quality ECG Machine

Accurate Diagnoses: High-quality ECG machines provide precise readings, which are crucial for diagnosing heart conditions.

Patient Safety: Reliable machines reduce the risk of errors, thus ensuring patient safety.

Efficiency: Advanced features and connectivity options streamline workflow, thus saving time for healthcare providers.

Why Choose Our ECG Machines?

At Ethan Medical Ins., we offer a wide range of ECG machines that cater to all budgets and needs. Our products are sourced from reputable manufacturers and come with a warranty for peace of mind. Additionally, we provide excellent after-sales support, ensuring your machine stays in optimal condition.

Contact Us Today!

Address: 144-144/1 Green Road, Level-3, Farmgate, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Phone: 01917733210


Finding the right ECG machine in Bangladesh is essential for providing high-quality cardiac care. By considering your budget and specific needs, you can choose an ECG machine that offers the best value for money. At Ethan Medical Ins., we are committed to offering top-notch medical equipment to healthcare providers across Bangladesh.

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