Patient Monitor

A patient monitor is used for continuous measurement of patient parameters such as heart rate and rhythm, respiratory rate, blood pressure, blood-oxygen saturation, and many other parameters to care for critically ill patients.

What is Patient Monitoring?

Patient monitoring systems are collections of machines or equipment used to constantly monitor patients through various vital signs and warning systems to detect and record changes in patient wellbeing.

Applications of Patient Monitoring Systems

It is easier to define patient monitoring systems in the context of their applications. One well-known example of a patient monitoring system is an electrocardiography (ECG) which monitors the electrical activity of the heart. Patients who experience hypertension use monitoring systems to measure their blood pressure. Diabetes patients use glucose monitoring devices to measure blood glucose levels and prevent dangerous complications. Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, and other respiratory diseases rely on monitoring systems to keep an eye on their conditions too.

Components of a Patient Monitoring System

Each device is different, but patient monitoring systems have three general components.

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