Automatic Wheelchair

An automatic wheelchair combines the latest technology with ergonomic design to provide users with effortless mobility. These motorized wheelchairs feature powerful motors, user-friendly controls, and durable construction, ensuring a comfortable and reliable experience for the user. Therefore, they cater to individuals with varying levels of mobility impairment, making daily activities more accessible and less strenuous.

Key Features of Automatic Wheelchairs

Automatic wheelchairs come with several outstanding features. Here are some key highlights:

Powerful Motor: The high-torque motor ensures smooth and efficient movement, allowing users to navigate various terrains with ease.

User-Friendly Controls: The joystick controls offer precise maneuvering, making it simple for users to control their movement. Additionally, these controls are intuitive and easy to learn.

Comfortable Seating: The ergonomic seat design, with adjustable settings, offers maximum comfort, allowing users to sit comfortably for extended periods. Furthermore, the seat can be customized to suit individual needs.

Long Battery Life: The high-capacity batteries provide long hours of usage on a single charge, giving users the freedom to move around without frequent recharging. As a result, users can enjoy more independence.

Durable Construction: The sturdy frame withstands daily use and varying terrains, ensuring longevity and reliability. Hence, it is a great investment for long-term use.

Safety Features: Anti-tip wheels, seat belts, and brakes enhance security, providing users with peace of mind during use. Consequently, safety is never compromised.

Portability: Some models fold easily, making them convenient for transport and storage, especially for frequent travelers. This feature is particularly beneficial for those who are always on the go.

Applications of Automatic Wheelchairs

Automatic wheelchairs are versatile and suit various settings, including:

Home: Enhance mobility within the house for daily activities, making it easier for individuals to move around their living space independently. This improvement greatly benefits everyday life.

Hospitals: Assist patients in moving around the hospital premises with ease, improving their overall hospital experience. Therefore, patient comfort and mobility are prioritized.

Rehabilitation Centers: Provide mobility solutions during the rehabilitation process, aiding in the recovery and mobility training of patients. As a result, rehabilitation becomes more effective.

Outdoors: Handle different terrains, allowing users to enjoy outdoor activities and explore their surroundings comfortably. Consequently, users can partake in outdoor adventures.

Workplaces: Enable employees with mobility issues to navigate their work environment comfortably, ensuring they can perform their job duties efficiently. This, in turn, fosters a more inclusive workplace.

Benefits of Using an Automatic Wheelchair

Automatic wheelchairs offer numerous benefits that significantly improve the quality of life for users:

Increased Independence: They allow individuals to move around without assistance, enhancing their self-reliance. Therefore, users can enjoy more freedom.

Advanced Technology: The advanced technology ensures smooth and efficient operation, making it easier to navigate different environments effortlessly. Thus, the user experience is optimized.

Comfort and Safety: The design ensures users feel secure and comfortable during use, reducing the risk of injury. As a result, users can use the wheelchair with confidence.

Where to Buy Automatic Wheelchairs

Ethan Medical Ins. is your trusted provider for high-quality automatic wheelchairs in Dhaka. Located at 144-144/1 Green Road, Level-3, Farmgate, Dhaka, Bangladesh, we offer a wide selection of automatic wheelchairs tailored to meet your specific needs. Our expert team will help you choose the right wheelchair that fits your lifestyle and mobility requirements.

Contact Us:

Phone: 01917733210
Address: 144-144/1 Green Road, Level-3, Farmgate, Dhaka, Bangladesh


Investing in an automatic wheelchair can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals with mobility challenges. At Ethan Medical Ins., we provide top-notch products and exceptional customer service. Visit us today to explore our range of automatic wheelchairs and take the first step towards greater independence and mobility.

Contact us for more information or visit our website to browse our products and services. Enhance your mobility and independence with an automatic wheelchair from Ethan Medical Ins. in Dhaka.

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